óleo sobre tela.
rajmukara, artista que vive no rio de janeiro, traduz nessa obra o instante do amor em que os corpos se fundem e as almas se confundem. não há limites precisos entre uma parte e outra. o amor retratado como puro movimento. mergulho em si e no universo do outro.
oil on canvas.
rajmukara, artist who lives in rio de janeiro, brazil, translates in this artwork the moment in which bodies merge and souls blend. imprecise limits between parts. love pictured as pure movement. dive within oneself and into the other`s universe.
Portfolio de Artes Plásticas / Visual Arts Portfolio ~ Anand Aditi
sexta-feira, 21 de novembro de 2008
Artistas que eu amo: Satyam Arvind (fractal com intervenções) / Artistas que eu amo: Satyam Arvind (fractal with interventions)
trabalho de satyam arvind, que vive em santa cruz cabrália, na bahia. visita ao mar do subconsciente. neste ponto sua obra mescla exatidão, talvez sob influência de sua formação como matemático, e a fluida imprecisão do olhar para si. quando chega a um resultado fractal que mexe com algo dentro dele, arvind intervém com a tinta. diálogo complementar entre lógico e irracional, como nossas dimensões mais profundas.
artwork by satyam arvind, who lives in santa cruz cabrália, bahia, brazil. visit to the deep waters of the subconscious. at this point his work brings together the precise influence of his mathematics background and the fluid imprecision of looking within. when he achieves a fractal result which stirs something inside him, he completes the image with paint. a complementary dialogue between logical and irracional, as ourselves.
artwork by satyam arvind, who lives in santa cruz cabrália, bahia, brazil. visit to the deep waters of the subconscious. at this point his work brings together the precise influence of his mathematics background and the fluid imprecision of looking within. when he achieves a fractal result which stirs something inside him, he completes the image with paint. a complementary dialogue between logical and irracional, as ourselves.
Artists I love: Sven Geier (Surface Tension) / Artistas que eu amo: Sven Geier (Tensão Superficial)
fractal de um dos meus artistas favoritos, sven geier, que também é cientista. astrofísico alemão que vive em pasadena, na califórnia, trabalha para a nasa. seus fractais e arte digital se propõem a nos auxiliar "na descoberta cósmica de nossa porção divina". sua arte inspirou meu trabalho como diretora, se multiplicando sob a forma de mais criatividade nos corpos das atrizes com quem os compartilhei, refletindo a própria lógica fractal. elo entre nossa experiência com meditação e a misteriosa racionidade matemática que a tudo invade e transcende.
fractal by one of my favorite artists nowadays, sven geier, who is also a scientist. german astrophysic who lives in pasadena, california, working with nasa. his fractals and digital art are intended to assist in "our cosmic awakening to our divine selves". his art has inpired my work as a director, multiplying itself as more creativity in the bodies of the actors with whom i shared it, reflecting fractal logic itself. link between our experience with meditation an the mysterious mathmatical rationality that invades and transcends everything.
fractal by one of my favorite artists nowadays, sven geier, who is also a scientist. german astrophysic who lives in pasadena, california, working with nasa. his fractals and digital art are intended to assist in "our cosmic awakening to our divine selves". his art has inpired my work as a director, multiplying itself as more creativity in the bodies of the actors with whom i shared it, reflecting fractal logic itself. link between our experience with meditation an the mysterious mathmatical rationality that invades and transcends everything.
Anand Aditi: Tanz / Dança / Dance
acrílico sobre tela, meu primeiro quadro, de 1997. dimensões: 90 cm x 100 cm. exercício feito na faculdade de arquitetura, a partir de um desenho de observação da natureza. folha gigante que virou sensação e se derramou tinta sobre o vermelho da minha alma. o título veio do movimento pelo qual passou a percepção da folha até se transformar no que se vê. a sonoridade da palavra em alemão traduz mais precisamente o instante anterior à explosão criativa.
acrilic on canvas, my first painting, from 1997. dimensions: 90 cm x 100 cm. exercise done while studying architecture, from an observation drawing of nature. giant leave which turned into sensation and poured itself as paint over my red soul. the title came from the movement the leave`s percetion made until it transformed itself into what is seen. the sound of the word in german translates more precisely the instant just before creative explosion.
acrilic on canvas, my first painting, from 1997. dimensions: 90 cm x 100 cm. exercise done while studying architecture, from an observation drawing of nature. giant leave which turned into sensation and poured itself as paint over my red soul. the title came from the movement the leave`s percetion made until it transformed itself into what is seen. the sound of the word in german translates more precisely the instant just before creative explosion.
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